Dec 19, 2022 | Blog, Ride our Routes, Road, Storys, Team
Not only the Pushbikers riders and support staff went to this year’s Tour of Upper Austria, but also a young man with a camera and a drone. Our goal was to film what it means to race as a Continental road team. And let the team riders themselves speak out. In the end, it became a reportage about why you dedicate yourself to cycling and what keeps us together as a team. Because we have much more in common than just racing.
Nov 9, 2022 | Road, Storys
My team, my crew, my family – welcome to the Pushbikers, Roy! Following the World Championships in Paris in October, where Roy won the bronze medal in scratch, and before the UCI Track Champions League starts on 12 November, we would like to finally introduce you to the Dutchman. We talk to him about track riding, team spirit, good coffee and show you some highlights of his career in pictures.
Nov 4, 2022 | Road, Storys
“You meet each other twice in life” . And even then, you can share the same values. Welcoming Roy Eefting as a new rider for 2023 reunites us with Nick Stöpler, ex-track pro, Pushbiker and recently Dutch national coach. A conversation about well-being, positive influence on others and why track cycling is like a game of chess.
Jul 12, 2022 | Blog, Road, Storys
Another gold medal: at the World Cup in Cali, Pushbiker Liam Bertazzo wins the 4000 m team pursuit with his Italian teammates. Congratulations, Liam!
Jul 7, 2022 | Blog, Road, Storys
In August, our Pushbiker Liam Bertazzo will be at the European Track Cycling Championships in Munich. Save the date, because we want to be there in the exhibition hall when it’s: Avanti, gli Azzurri!