Feb 15, 2023 | Blog, Road, Storys
Once again Roy Eefting could convince in his parade discipline on the track: at the European Championships in Grenchen/ CH he wins the silver medal in the scratch. We are happy about his success and proud to have him as a Pushbiker in our team. Proficiat Roy!
Jan 31, 2023 | Blog, Road, Storys
It has been a long time – in heart and time – since pushbikers have participated in six-day races. A unique world, great hustle and bustle, but also a very demanding format for the riders when it comes to technique and experience. With Roy Eefting and Filippo Fortin as Team Wahoo, we were able to dive back into Six Day Berlin at the end of January. Find out more here.
Jan 25, 2023 | Blog, Blog, Storys, Road, Road, Storys
Cycling professionally and also developing educationally. A parallel life that only works with a lot of sacrifice. The promotion of top-class sport is a social issue, but also one that concerns us at Maloja Pushbikers. What is it about – an unconditional pursuit of success or personality and individuality? With the suggestion of our Pushbiker Max Benz-Kuch, we would like to share some points of view with you.
Jan 22, 2023 | Blog, Ride our Routes, Storys
In the past year, the Pushbikers community has become a permanent part of our concept. We look back on many Thursday evening rides, meetings in the Pushbikers Shop, at the regulars’ table or even at the museum in Munich to experience a bicycle exhibition together. At the end of the year in December, it was time to create light! Read how and where here.
Dec 19, 2022 | Blog, Ride our Routes, Road, Storys, Team
Not only the Pushbikers riders and support staff went to this year’s Tour of Upper Austria, but also a young man with a camera and a drone. Our goal was to film what it means to race as a Continental road team. And let the team riders themselves speak out. In the end, it became a reportage about why you dedicate yourself to cycling and what keeps us together as a team. Because we have much more in common than just racing.
Dec 19, 2022 | Blog, Road, Storys
“The weekend described in a nutshell: cold, fun, team-building. Certainly a nice experience, which was mainly the communal feeling on the farm, while it was quite uncomfortably cold outside. It had more of a feeling of many friends coming together in one place and going through a good time than a strictly planned team meeting.”