Watch: We are the Pushbikers

Watch: We are the Pushbikers

Not only the Pushbikers riders and support staff went to this year’s Tour of Upper Austria, but also a young man with a camera and a drone. Our goal was to film what it means to race as a Continental road team. And let the team riders themselves speak out. In the end, it became a reportage about why you dedicate yourself to cycling and what keeps us together as a team. Because we have much more in common than just racing.

Alexander Evans

Alexander Evans Team Road Alexander Evans Residence: Girona / ESPAge: 25Height: 1,84 mRider-Type: Climber Former Teams: Möbius Future Racing, Stagiaire bei BMC Racing, SEG Racing Academy, Intermarché Wanty Gobert Follow How did you get into cycling? My father used to...
New in

New in

We continue to develop. Sportingly, humanly, as a team. And we welcome a new mountain rider and two new employees to our Pushbikers family. Find out more here.

Liam Bertazzo

Liam Bertazzo Team Road Liam Bertazzo Residence: Tribano / ITAAge: 31Height: 1,80 mRider type: Endurance track rider Previous teams: Wilier Triestina-Selle Italia, Neri Sottoli-Selle Italia-KTM, Vini Zabù Follow Wer oder was hat dich dazu inspiriert, eine Karriere im...
Maloja Pushbikers. 2022 season

Maloja Pushbikers. 2022 season

“Willkommen 2022” sagt das UCI Continental Team Maloja Pushbikers. Mit vielen neuen Gesichtern, definierten Zielen, erweiterter Infrastruktur und ganz viel Liebe für den Radsport.

Barbara Benko

Barbara Benko

Barbara Benko Team MTB Barbara Benko Place of residence: Pilisvörösvar, Hungary Age: 32 Height: 1,74 m Nickname: Barbi Rider type: All-rounder Previous teams: Ghost Factory Racing, Focus XC Team FollowFollowFollowFollow Who or what particularly motivated you to pursue...
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